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Applied Energy、Fuel、Energy & Fuels等期刊特邀审稿人













(1) 深凹边坡采动卸荷失稳特征与监测预警及防治关键技术,中国职业安全健康协会科学技术,一等奖

(2) 高陡边坡采动变形局部化特征与状态智慧感知监测预警方法研究,冶金矿山科学技术奖,一等奖

(3) 含黄铁矿坚硬厚砂岩顶板冒落引燃采空区瓦斯机理及防控技术研究,中国职业安全健康协会科学技术奖,二等奖

(4) 高陡边坡动力灾变失稳机理与多源信息监测预警方法及防治,山东省科技进步,二等奖

(5) 机械手湿喷混凝土关键技术研究,煤炭工业协会科学技术奖,二等奖

(6) 含黄铁矿坚硬厚砂岩顶板冒落引燃采空区瓦斯机理及防控技术研究,中国职业安全健康协会科学技术奖,二等奖

(7) 坚硬巨厚顶板条件下极近距离煤层安全高效开采技术研究,煤炭工业协会科学技术奖,二等奖


(1) 梁运培,陈结,王军保,姜德义,刘新荣,张军伟,王雷,刘伟,杨常来,模拟盐穴储库地质环境的损伤岩盐自愈合试验方法,2013.12.18,中国,ZL201310691958.5。

(2) 梁运培,陈结,王想,王晗,贾路行,单齿旋转切削破岩机理试验方法,2017.05.10,中国,ZL201510756560.4。

(3) 梁运培,王晗,王想,朱永强,胡千庭,贾路行,一种低转速旋转密封装置,2017.05.10,中国,ZL201510757866.1。

(4) 梁运培,胡千庭,李全贵,李波,田成林,罗永江,一种被保护层膨胀变形量的测量方法,2018.05.04,中国,ZL201610559046.6。

(5) 梁运培,胡千庭,田成林,陈结,李全贵,何将福,一种含瓦斯煤体膨胀变形测量方法,2018.09,中国,ZL201610559025.4

(6) 梁运培,何将福,殷琨,胡千庭,罗永江,李全贵.用于松软地层钻进中心排渣引射式抽吸钻具及其使用方法,2018.07,中国,ZL201610272020.3

(7) 梁运培,胡千庭,何将福,李波,罗永江,李全贵.煤层群抽采瓦斯来源及气体流场分布双示踪试验方法,2019.03,中国,ZL201610503591.3

(8) 胡千庭,何将福,梁运培,罗永江,李全贵,李莉佳,刘姝.高瓦斯软煤钻孔产渣量和钻孔变形的测试方法,2019.05,中国,ZL201710705695.7

(9) 胡千庭,梁运培,付厚利,李全贵等,一种基于地应力监测的穿层水力压裂范围考察方法2019.05.03,中国,ZL201710970260.5.



(1) 《矿井瓦斯防治技术优选—煤与瓦斯突出和爆炸防治》,副主编,中国矿业大学出版社,2008年10月;

(2)《预抽回采工作面煤层瓦斯防治煤与瓦斯突出措施效果评价方法》(中华人民共和国煤炭行业标准),第一起草人,2007年7月,MT/T 1037-2007,国家安全生产监督管理总局发布,煤炭工业出版社。


1. Bo Li,Yun-Pei Liang*, Xiao-Sen Li, Hui-Jie Wu. Numerical analysis of methane hydrate decomposition experiments by depressurization around freezing point in porous media,Fuel,2015,159:925-934

2.Liang Yun-Pei, Li Xiao-Sen, Li Bo. Assessment of Gas Production Potential from Hydrate Reservoir in Qilian Mountain Permafrost Using Five-Spot Horizontal Well System,Energies,2015,8(10):10796-10817

3. Bo Li; Sheng-dong Liu;Yun-pei Liang*,Hang Liu. The use of electrical heating for the enhancement of gas recovery from methane hydrate in porous media, Applied Energy,2017,227:694-702(IF:7.9,1)

4.Yun-pei Liang, Yun-hai Chen, Quan-le Zou, Wei-de Wang, Yan-kun Ma, Quan-gui Li. Response characteristics of coal subjected to hydraulic fracturing: An evaluation based on real-time monitoring of borehole strain and acoustic emission, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2017,38,402-411(IF:2.803,3)

5.Yun-pei Liang, Qing-miao Li, Yi-lei Gu, Quan-le Zou. Mechanical and acoustic emission characteristics of rock: Effect of loading and unloading confining pressure at the postpeak stage, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2017,44,54-64(IF:2.803,3)

6. Xiang Wang, Yun-pei Liang, Qing-feng Wang, Zhen-yu Zhang. Empirical models for tool forces prediction of drag-typed picks based on principal component regression and ridge regression methods, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,2017,62,75-95(IF:2.418,3)

7. Jiang-fu He, Bing-xing Sun,Yun-pei Liang*, Yong-jiang Luo. Research on suction capacity and dust suppression performance of a reverse circulation air hammer in tunnel drilling, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,2018,71,391-402(IF:2.418,3)

8. Bo Li,Yun-pei Liang, Xiao-sen Li, Lei Zhou. A Pilot-Scale Study of Gas Production from Hydrate Deposits with Two-Spot Horizontal Well System, Applied Energy,2016,176.12-21, (IF:7.9,1)

9. Wang Han, Wang Fa-kai,Liang yun-pei*.Thermal drying dehydration and moisture migration in anthracite, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects,2017,39,1518-1524 (IF:0.555,4)

10. Bo Li; Sheng-dong Liu;Yun-pei Liang*. Intelligent and integrated techniques for coalbed methane (CBM) recovery and reduction of greenhouse gas emission, Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2017,24,17651-17668(IF:2.8,3)

11. Bo Li, Sheng-dong Liu,Yun-pei Lian*.Experimental study of methane hydrate dissociation by depressurization and electrical heating, Energy Procedia,2017,105,5018-5025

12. Tie-feng Peng, Si-yuan Yang, Fan Xiang,Yun-pei Liang, Qi-bin Li, Xue-chao Gao, San-jun Liu. Film tension of liquid nano-film from molecular modeling, International Journal of Modern Physics B,2017,31,1750016 (IF:0.769,4)

13. Qi-bin Li, Cheng Huang,Yun-pei Liang, Tao Fu, Tie-feng Peng. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nanoindentation of Cu/Au Thin Films at Different Temperatures. Journal of Nanomaterials,2016,2016,1-8(2.207,4)

14. Zou Quan-le, Li Quan-gui, Liu Ting, Li Xue-long,Liang Yun-pei.Peak strength property of the pre-cracked similar material: Implications for the application of hydraulic slotting in ECBM, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2017,37,106-115(

15. Qi-bin Li, Meng Wang,Yun-pei Liang,Li-yang Lin, Tao Fu, Tie-feng Peng. Molecular dynamics simulations of aggregation of copper nanoparticles with different heating rates, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures,2017,90,137-142(

16. Xue-long Li, Zhong-hui Li, En-yuan Wang,Yun-pei Liang, Yue Niu, Quan-gui Li. Spectra, Energy, and Fractal Characteristics of Blast Waves, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering,2017,15,235-266

17.Yun-pei Liang, Shu Liu, Wen-ting Zhao, Bo Li*, Qing-cui Wan, Gang Li. Effects of vertical center well and side well on hydrate exploitation by depressurization and combination method with wellbore heating, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,

18. Jiang-fu He, Yun-pei Liang*, Yong-jiang Luo, Li-jia Li. Theoretical analysis and design of hydro-hammer with a jet actuator: An engineering application to improve the penetration rate of directional well drilling in hard rock formations,

19. Lin Bai-quan, Zou Quan-le,Liang Yun-pei,Xie Jun, Yang Hui-ming. Response characteristics of coal subjected to coupling static and waterjet impact loads, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences

20. Xue-long Li, Zhong-hui Li, En-yuan Wang,Yun-pei Liang, Bao-lin Li, Peng Chen, Yong-jie Liu. Pattern recognition of mine microseismic and blasting events based on wave fractal features, Fractals,2018,6,475-483(

21. Wang Fa-kai, He Jiang-fu,Liang Yun-pei*, Luo Yong-jiang, Liao Zhi-wei, Li Lei. Study on the permeability characteristics of coal containing coalbed methane under different loading paths, Energy Science and Engineering,2018,6,475-483

22.Liang Yun-pei,Wang Fa-kai, Li Xue-long, Jiang Cheng-lin, Li Lei, Chen Yu-long. Study on the influence factors of the initial expansion energy of released gas, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2018,117,582-592

23.Liang Yun-pei, Dai Jia-hui, Wang Ke-quan, Li Xiao-bo, Xu Peng-cheng. A Strong Tracking SLAM Algorithm Based on the Suboptimal Fading Factor, Journal of Sensors,2018,

24.Liang Yun-pei,Wang Fa-kai, Luo Yong-jiang. Experimental stugy on the principles of isothermal dehydration of anthracite, Drying Technology,

25.Fa-kai Wang, Xu-sheng Zhao,Yun-pei Liang, Xue-long Li, Yu-long Chen. Calculation model and rapid estimation method for coal seam gas content, Processes,2018,

26.Liang Yun-pei, Fa-kai Wang, Yong-jiang Luo, Qian-ti Hu. Desorption characterization of methane and carbon dioxide in coal and its influence on outburst prediction, ADSORPTION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2018,36(7-8),1484-1485

27. Li Qing-miao,Liang Yun-pei, Zou Quan-le. Seepage and Damage Evolution Characteristics of Gas-Bearing Coal under Different Cyclic Loading-Unloading Stress Paths, Processes,2018,6,1-20(IF:1.279,WU)

28. Er-lei Su;Yun-pei Liang*; Lei Li;Quan-le Zou; and Fan-fan Niu. Laboratory Study on Changes in the Pore Structures and Gas Desorption Properties of Intact and Tectonic Coals after Supercritical CO2 Treatment: Implications for Coalbed Methane Recovery, energies,2018,11,1-13(IF:2.676,3)

29. Wang Xiang; Su Okan; Wang Qing-feng,Liang Yun-pei*.Effect of cutting depth and line spacing on the cuttability behavior of sandstones by conical picks, ARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES,2018,(

30. Fa-kai Wang,Yun-pei Liang*, Xue-long Li, Lei Li, Jian-gong Li, Yu-long Chen. Study on the change of permeability of gas-containing coal under many factors, Energy Science and Engineering,2019,2019,194-206(3.553,2)

31.Liang Yun-pei,Li Lei, Li Xue-long, Wang Ke-quan, Chen Jin-hua, Sun Zhong-guang, Yang Xue-lin. Study on Roof-Coal Caving Characteristics with Complicated Structure by Fully Mechanized Caving Mining, Shock and Vibration,2019,2019,1-20.

32. Jun Xie,Yun-pei Liang,Quan-le Zou,Zhi-hong Wang,and Xue-long Li. Prediction Model for Isothermal Adsorption Curves Based on Adsorption Potential Theory and Adsorption Behaviors of Methane on Granular Coal, Energy & Fuels,2019,33(03),1910

33. Bo Li,Yun-pei Liang,Quan-le Zou. Determination of working resistance based on movement type of the first subordinate key stratum in a fully mechanized face with large mining height, Energy Science & Engineering,2019

34. Li Qing-miao,Liang, Yun-pei, Zou, Quan-le. Modeling the relationship between the influencing factors and the multiple responses of coal-like materials using Taguchi-Gray correlation analysis for their utilization in gas seepage studies, Energy Science & Engineering,2019

35. Wang, Fa-kai,Liang, Yun-pei, Zou, Quan-le. Correlation between coal and gas outburst risk and adsorption properties of coal seams, Energy Science & Engineering


36. Li Bo,Liang, Yun-pei,Zhang, Lei. Breakage law and fractal characteristics of broken coal and rock masses with different mixing ratios during compaction, Energy Science & Engineering,2019

37. Xie Jun,Liang Yun-pei,Zou Quan-le, Li Lei, Li Xue-long. Elimination of coal and gas outburst risk of low‐permeability coal seam using high‐pressure water jet slotting technology A case study in Shihuatian Coal Mine in Guizhou Province, China, Energy Science & Engineering,2019

38. Er-lei Su, Yun-pei Liang, Quan-le Zou, Fanfan Niu, Lei Li. Analysis of effects of CO2 injection on coalbed permeability: Implications for coal seam CO2 sequestration, Energy & Fuels,2019.

39. Bo Li,Yun-pei Liang, Lei Zhang, Quan-le Zou. Edited and approved by editor experimental investigation on compaction characteristics and permeability evolution of broken coal, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences,2019




